Batch Program Needs to Bypass the Passphrase

Ben Finney ben at
Fri Oct 10 00:15:46 CEST 2003

On 07-Oct-2003, Kordet, Kimberly wrote:
> I'm having trouble figuring out how to NOT have it prompt me for a
> passphrase.

Easy: don't set a passphrase, and be aware of the massive reduction in
security that entails.

The passphrase is there to *ensure* that the human being who owns the
key is actually present at the keyboard.  If you want a key that has
none of the security of a passphrase, make a key without a passphrase.

 \           "I just got out of the hospital; I was in a speed-reading |
  `\         accident. I hit a bookmark and flew across the room."  -- |
_o__)                                                    Steven Wright |
Ben Finney <ben at>
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