Problem with key showing up as expired...

David J. Weller-Fahy
Wed Aug 27 03:43:01 2003

* Jason Harris <> [2003-08-25 11:22]:
> > >         Hashed Sub: reason for revocation(sub 29)(47 bytes)
> > >                 Reason - User ID information is no longer valid
> > >                 Comment - Somehow lost my public key and can't fix it...
> If you _still_ don't get that output, post a reply here so we can compare
> hashes of the key and your pgpdump (version 0.17) distribution.

I deleted 0xB02966748B362A2F and set '' as my primary
auto-retrieve server, then I loaded up the message again.  After
exporting the key and using pgpdump I get the above output.

Thank goodness, now I can go have some Rice Krispie treats instead of
sitting at the computer. ;]

Thanks for the explanations,
David J. Weller-Fahy        | 'These are the questions that kept me out
largely at innocent dot com |  of the really *good* schools.'
www dot weller-fahy dot com |                  - One of The Group