Expire-date of subkey problem
David Shaw
Fri Aug 22 16:51:01 2003
On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 06:46:32PM +0200, Matto Fransen wrote:
> Hello,
> I have not been able to the expire-date of a subkey. I have copied a
> part of the edit-key procedure below:
> pub 1024D/B5693342 created: 2001-11-25 expires: 2004-08-19 trust: -/-
> sub 1024g/8ADFE075 created: 2001-11-25 expires: 2003-05-19
> (1)* M.J. Fransen (Matto) <matto@matto.nl>
> (2)* M.J. Fransen (Matto) <matto@xs4all.nl>
> (3)* M.J. Fransen (Matto) <matto@netserv.nl>
> Command> expire
> Changing expiration time for the primary key.
You need to specify the subkey if you want to change the subkey
gpg --edit <thekey>
key 1