Flag to pass the passphrase dynamically while decrypting...
Loo, Peter
Thu Sep 26 01:38:02 2002
Does anyone know how I can go about decrypting a file dynamically =
without getting prompted for a passphrase? Under the licensed version =
of PGP, you are able to accomplish this by issuing a command like the =
pgp --decrypt --passphrase "xoxoxoxoxoxo" --output $file.txt =
$file.txt.pgp --overwrite
I was unable to find the flag --passphrase in "gpg --help".
Peter Loo (Senior Programmer)
peter.loo@bannerhealth.com <mailto:peter.loo@bannerhealth.com>=20
"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that =
you do it."
-- Mahatma Gandhi