Getting GPG to not create configfiles?

Samuel ]slund samuel@Update.UU.SE
Thu Sep 12 15:38:01 2002

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 02:39:35PM +0200, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 13:22:02 +0200, Samuel ]slund said:
> > get some files across when I was away. I could not find any way to tell
> > it not to create the (unneccessary) configuration files before
> > symetrically encrypting a message.
> Use a homedir different from ~/.gnupg and gpg won't create any files.

I hope you are talking about the new version of GnuPG, because v1.0.6
hapily creates files in other directories.

I tried:
gpg --homedir /tmp -c .emacs
gpg --homedir ~/tmp -c .emacs

on Debian Linux

gpg.exe --homedir e:/musik --symmetric .emacs
on windows 2k

in all cases GnuPG created the pubring.gpg and secring.gpg files in the
specified directories.

I tried assigning a homedir that did not exist and got this result:

samuel@Tempo:~$ gpg --homedir /foo -c .emacs
gpg: keyblock resource `/foo': file open error
gpg: keyblock resource `/foo': file open error
File `.emacs.gpg' exists. Overwrite (y/N)? y
gpg: can't create `/foo/random_seed': No such file or directory

The encrypted file decrypted Ok.
