Are there any frontends to both encrypt and sign a datafile in a single
Tue Sep 10 02:28:01 2002
Are there any ms-windows frontends that can
both encrypt and sign a datafile in a single pass?
Every GUI frontend I've seen can do only one of these two
operations at time but not both. The two problems with
this is the user has to mouse click through multiple steps.
The other is even then the output isn't what's really wanted
since each iteration suffixes a ".asc" onto the base filename.
This means the recipient also has to go through multiple steps
to get to the cleartext file.
I know that GnuPG is capable of this task because I can
do make it from the command line. The user community wants
a GUI interface to accomplish this feat and not a command line interface.
Here's the command "JOE" would use to encrypt and sign a datafile
intended for "SUE" such that only "SUE" could read it and "SUE"
would know that the file had to come from JOE since Joe's
secrete key signed it.
I am looking for a ms-windows GUI that can do the same thing.
Ideas anyone???
To ENCRYPT&SIGN a datafile:
"C:\Program Files\WinPT\gpg.exe"
--passphrase-fd 0
--output "%1.asc" "%1"
< "C:\Program Files\WinPT\passphrase.txt"
TO decrypt the above output:
--passphrase-fd 0
--use-embedded-filename $FILEIN
< ${HOME}/.pass_phrase.txt