E-Mail Encryption: Why Isn't Everyone Doing It?

Ingo Klöcker ingo.kloecker@epost.de
Sun Nov 3 22:28:03 2002

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On Friday 25 October 2002 20:26, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On Wednesday October 23 2002 08:48, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
> > 4) it's too much like work to dig up keys of the other person
> I disagree. If I send you my key, all you have to do is copy and
> paste into a running 'gpg --import'. If you have the right options in
> gpg.conf, you might even get a version of the key sans things like
> photographic user IDs automatically. This is the one thing I dislike
> about KMail; it does not let you import keys easily.

Importing an attached key can be done via right clicking on the 
attachment icon, choosing Open With... and then entering 'gpg 
--import'. It's not necessary to save the key and then to run gpg 
--import on the file.
Importing keys which are directly embedded into a message (inline) will 
always require copy&paste.


Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Description: signature

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

