encrypting using a PGP 7.0 pubkey does not work (Malte Gell)

Leigh S. Jones, KR6X kr6x@kr6x.com
Thu Jun 27 21:05:01 2002

I have created keys in PGP 7.03, then imported them into gpg 1.0.7
without any special methods.  GnuPG might give you an objection
about an untrusted key when you first import it. One possible problem
may be that the public key was corrupted before you loaded it.  This
would be quite a bit more likely if the key came to you via a keyserver,
because the key appears to have multiple user ID's, which many
keyservers mishandle.

I suggest using the --pgp6 option, but the symptoms you've described
don't relate to that.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Malte Gell" <malte_gell@t-online.de>
To: "GnuPG Users" <Gnupg-users@gnupg.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:15
Subject: encrypting using a PGP 7.0 pubkey does not work

Hi there,

just imported successfully a PGP 7.0 public key key into gpg 1.0.7, but
when trying to encrypt something with that key I only get "unusable
key", gpg --edit-key XXXXXX and showpref gives me that:

pub  1024D/xxxxxxxx  erstellt: 1997-07-24 verfällt: never
Vertrauen: -/f
(1)  xxx xxxxxxx <x.xxxxxxx@xxx.xx.xx>
     Cipher: CAST5, IDEA, 3DES
(2). xxx xxxxxxx <xxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>
     Cipher: CAST5, IDEA, 3DES
(3)  xxx xxxxxxx <xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx.xx>
     Cipher: CAST5, IDEA, 3DES

Well, gpg 1.0.7 comes with cast, 3des and I also have loaded the idea
module, just the hash and compression fields are empty, I tried some
options like --openpgp --pgp2 or --pgp6 but none of them worked, does
that person who uses PGP 7.0 have to create his key in a special way so
it works with GnuPG or can I use that key with some options ?


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