get 'real' gz-file when decrypting
Wed Jun 5 04:53:01 2002
Now my complete Script works perfectly, thank you very much!
But two small features would be fine:
1. How can I encrypt the gzip contend that I get 'file.gz' and not just
'file' when I decrypt?
mysqldump database | gzip | gpg --homedir /www/.gnupg -o
output.pgp -e --default-recipient andreas
what could I do? If I decrypt the file 'output' is created, but I would
like to have 'output.gz'
2. I did not write --recipient, but --default-recipient. I only did so,
because if I only write --recipient, there is asked:
>gpg: Warning: using insecure memory!
>Could not find a valid trust path to the key. Let's see whether we
>can assign some missing owner trust values.
>No path leading to one of our keys found.
>1024g/DFF7F6EF 2002-06-03 "andreas <>"
> Fingerprint: 0776 4804 3333 321E E4B4 366E 3ABA 3411 DFF7 FFE7
>It is NOT certain that the key belongs to its owner.
>If you *really* know what you are doing, you may answer
>the next question with yes
>Use this key anyway?
If a answer yes, all is OK. Is it OK to use --default-recipient, or should I
worry about this?
-- Andreas