GPG support in Mahogany
Dick Gevers
Dick Gevers <>
Fri Dec 13 10:16:02 2002
Hash: SHA1
Hello Tenui and others,
On Thursday, 12 December 2002 at 10:11 h, Tenui wrote
about "re: GPG support in Mahogany":
>OK. I can understand your point of view and I think it may well be
>that of the majority, But I suspect that our difference of opinion
>is based on different experience of the need for confidentiality.
>It is no longer the case, but during a certain period my life
>depended on the confidentiality of the information I transmitted.
>And when it comes to my life I don't trust anyone.
I'm sorry to hear that and I absolutely and naturally would respect
your wishes in such circumstances. But then again, I cannot say that
I am alone in a bunker, offline behind a firewall.
>But on a more general level, we are talking here in reality about
>tempest attacks. No matter how much I trust my correspondent, I have
>no idea if he may be the target for such intrusion.
>So I would be happier to accept the sender's' wishes and, in cases
>that seemed unnecessary, tell them that I preferred that they did
>not use this form of message unless it was absolutely necessary.
That is indeed the most elegant solution. And I must thank you that
notwithstanding what you just told us you could still understand my
point of view. You have my highest respect for that.
Best wishes, sincerely,
=Dick Gevers=
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Win32)
Comment: GPGShell 2.65a - QDGPG for Pegasus Mail beta4