Policy URLs

Michael Nahrath gnupg-users@nahrath.de
Fri Dec 6 13:31:01 2002

David Pic=F3n =C1lvarez <eleuteri@myrealbox.com> schrieb am 2002-12-06 10:29

> I was wondering whether GnuPG 1.2.1 has support to add a policy URL, or
> whether this support is a todo thing or whether it's not even considered.

Don't you _read_ this mailing list?
Your question was already answerd here within the last 48 hours, including
key examples and so on (Subject: 2 FAQs).

> Also I would like to know if the signing policy couldn't be embedded in t=
> key though I see how this could make the key far too big, but maybe there
> could be some flags like "This key will only sign keys following protocol
> XYZ" and thus uniformize a bit the protocols as well.

Information about a signing policy is part of the signature, not of the
signing key.

Some examples:

bash-2.05a$ gpg --check-sigs --show-policy-url 13300731
sig!2   P    99242560 2002-02-03   David M. Shaw <dshaw@jabberwocky.com>
   Signature policy: http://notary.jabberwocky.com/keysign/0805753113300731

bash-2.05a$ gpg --check-sigs --show-policy-url 3F3E6426
sig!2   P    072FAC89 2002-06-30   Douglas F. Calvert [SIGNATURE]
   Signature policy: http://anize.org/dfc/gpg-policy/9FCF2CCD3F3E6426.asc

bash-2.05a$ gpg --check-sigs --show-policy-url B3B2A12C
pub   1024D/B3B2A12C 1999-05-11 ct magazine CERTIFICATE <pgpCA@ct.heise.de>
sig!    P    92082481 2002-09-10   Adrian von Bidder <avbidder@fortytwo.ch>
   Signature policy: http://fortytwo.ch/gpg/policy/keys.20020910

For more information do "man gpg" and search for the string 'policy'

Greeting, Michi