Mon Dec 24 19:21:02 2001
Greetings From:
Palm Bay, Fl. USA
Hello WinPT Users;
As a "newbe" to gpg, I have had a journey so to speak.
Hope my findings will help others.
So was born " NeWbe NoTeS ".
Newbe note one:
In some situations the Command ( --output [ file name ]
), may not always work. A user told me that on
windows, or in windows it might not always work.
But as I was told the redirect command ( > ) does. So
please try them.
I found that I could not export the trustdb file unless I
used ( > ).
Thought I had found a bug " :>) ". But I did not. Just
found that I did not know what I was doing. I sure am
glad that you the user did.
Newbe Note two:
Importing your secret key into a clean system, or one in
which the program GPG was reinstalled is not enough to
make it work.
You will have to go into the edit menu, and " enable the
key ". If you do not do so you to may spend days trying
other things out.
Like downloading and reinstalling "gpg" on a number of
different pc's, running a number of different versions of
windows, I did. Thought I had found a bug. Did not
however, just found out how much I did not understand.
Whether it is not understanding what you may have read
or not. Or perhaps it is just being afraid to ask.
Hence newbe notes was born.
If you all have any other things that are not spoken of
but would be a help. Please let me know. I will may be
put out " NeWbE nOtEs " on a regular basis. If you have
a question about "gpg", or "winpt", and can not ask.
Let me know, I will.
The remarks above are in ( no !, no ! ) way meant to be
critical of the work of others. I am not a programmer. I
have been told that a port of a program from one
operating system to another may have quirks in it. Also
I use Windows 200 pro with service packs one and two
installed. You may not know it but different versions of
windows do not act, or react the same. Nice of them to
make it that way.