Fwd: Re: Problem with pgp...
Andre Esteves
Sat Dec 15 02:46:01 2001
Em Sexta, 14 de Dezembro de 2001 13:37, escreveste:
> On Fri Dec 14 2001; 19:03, Peter Kuhm wrote:
> > >Could someone help me?
> >
> > gpg --help
> >
> > gives the answer:
> >
> > --delete-key remove key from the public keyring
> > --delete-secret-key remove key from the secret keyring
> There is also another command which is not mentioned (?) in the
> manpage: --delete-secret-and-public-key. With it you only need
> one step instead of two.
--delete-secret-and-pubkic-key is unavailable in my version.
Besides now, after deleting the secret key, when deleting the public key it
loops again with the message:
gpg: waiting for lock (hold by 1743 - probably dead) ...
and now?
Thanking for your time,
André Esteves
"Se nas minhas investigações consegui maiores êxitos que os outros,
o facto deve-se menos a uma capacidade intelectual superior do que
ao hábito de uma reflexão paciente"
Sir Isaac Newton
André Esteves - aka StackBit - aife@netvisao.pt