PGP can't decript messages encripted with GPG

Huels, Ralf KSV
27 Sep 2000 10:25:41 +0200

> OK. I created the key in GPG and import in PGP. The problem, is that I
> encripted with PGP and the key imported, and works well in PGP and GPG.
> The
> problem is when encripted with GPG, due to only I can decrypt with GPG.
Try the following options when encrypting with GnuPG: --cipher-algo Cast5 --digest-algo SHA1 --force-v3-sigs HTH. Tschuess, Ralf -- Ralf Hüls Bismarckplatz KSV Kreditschutz-Vereinigung GmbH 44866 Bochum Score-Consult Tel. 02327/9114-28 Fax. 02327/8 40 27 -- Archive is at - Unsubscribe by sending mail with a subject of "unsubscribe" to