aka - having the same keypair serve for 2 email addresses
Mr. Bad
22 Jan 2000 16:14:37 -0800
Hash: SHA1
>>>>> "JN" == Jon Nathan <jon@blading.com> writes:
JN> i have two email accounts, one for work and one
JN> for personal. i currently have two different keypairs, one
JN> for each. i'd like to simplify so that i can use the same
JN> keypair and so that my 2 email addresses show up as "aka" as
JN> such:
Jon: to do this, run "gpg --edit-key [your key name]". This gives a
nice little command-driven UI. Use the "adduid" command to add a new
UID to your key.
My $0.02: I think you should think twice about using the same key for
work and personal use. I use two different keys myself. If your key is
an "identity," it's probably not a bad thing to have two different
identities for your personal and professional life.
Analogy: I give out two different sets of business cards* to people,
depending on whether they are friends or business contacts. One has my
business address, work phone #, company name and title, and company
email address. The other has my home address and phone #, and personal
email address. They represent two "identities."
Anyways, that's my opinion.
~Mr. Bad
* Richard Stallman calls personal ones "pleasure cards." :-)
- --
Mr. Bad <mr.bad@pigdog.org>
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org