GnuPG 1.0.4-1 + IDEA for Windows
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 13:17:57 -0500
On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 11:11:31 -0600 (CST) or Thereabouts
The voices in my head told me that Keith Ray <> said:
> I have been able to successfully cross-compile GnuPG 1.0.4-1 to include the
> IDEA cipher for Windows. Since this binary now includes both RSA and IDEA, it
> should be fully backwards compatible with PGP 2.6.x.
> .......
Is there any way of writing some code that could actually be
permanently added to the GnuPG source tree that would make adding
modules to the official GnuPG (Win32) easier?
It would seem to make sense to write the code, and keep it in the
tree permanently, instead of constantly having to download the latest
version, and then hack in the IDEA code, compile, and release a
separate version.
Plus I think most users would feel more secure and might feel
better if it was coming from the "official" GnupG home, instead if
grabbing the fragmenting versions of GnuPG (which there now seem to
be 2).
I was going to post this very message on the usenet to you and the
gentleman who did the cygwin version. :-)
It is times like this when I wish I was a real programmer. :-)
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