AW: AW: How does trust work?

Huels, Ralf KSV
25 Aug 2000 14:08:40 +0200

> pub 1024D/ID0 1999-09-05 Jim Smith <>
> sig! ID-1 1999-09-05 Jim Smith <>
> sub 2048g/ID-2 1999-09-05
> sig! ID-1 1999-09-05 Jim Smith <>
> pub 1024D/ID1 created: 2000-02-13 expires: never trust: f/f
> (1) Jim Smith <>
I assume that this is no real gpg output, but you edited the stuff? The dates look funny in the examples. If "ID1" and "ID-1" are really the same Key ID, I don´t see why this shouldn´t work... Tschuess, Ralf -- Ralf Hüls Bismarckplatz KSV Kreditschutz-Vereinigung GmbH 44866 Bochum Score-Consult Tel. 02327/9114-28 Fax. 02327/8 40 27 -- Archive is at - Unsubscribe by sending mail with a subject of "unsubscribe" to