preferred method of sending a signed message.

Walter Truitt
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:17:51 -0500

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As there have been messages about mutt and other MUAs, I was currious
the preference of format.  I notice that some on the list use the
clearsign style where the signature is part of the message and others
use the pgpmime standard where the mail is a multipart/signed.  Should
one be given preference over the other.

Please mail me directly because I would not like to start any sort of
flame war on the list.



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   |\     _.,,---,._ 
  /, `.-'`'   -.  ;-;;._      'The human race has one really
 |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'      effective weapon, and that is
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)           laughter.'      -- Mark Twain

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