rsaref library - where?

A Guy Called Tyketto
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 13:52:59 -0700

On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 04:02:51PM -0400, wrote:

> hi,
> i downloaded the rsaref.c source from in hopes of compiling,
> but it requires the rsaref.a library, which is not on the ftp site (that I
> could see). where can i find this library?
Funnily enough, I ran into the library, when I compiled PGP 2.6.3a, back in '96. You may have to check the PGP source for this, unless anyone knows of a newer release of this library (which may open up another can of worms). BL. -- Brad Littlejohn | Email: Unix Systems Administrator, | WebMaster, NewsMaster.. Smeghead! :) | PGP: 1024/E9DF4D85 67 6B 33 D0 B9 95 F4 37 4B D1 CE BD 48 B0 06 93