How to import PGP key

Petr Danecek
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 16:32:07 +0200 (CEST)

Hi all,

I am having hard times trying to understand GnuPG.
The basic idea of private & public keys is clear to me.
I have read all the documentation on

The thing I want to do is pretty easy: When I do some updates on
my machine, I want to verify that the software downloaded from a mirror
site has not been compromised. Usually there is a file published on the
original site, say

What did I try, but what does not (and probably cannot - but why?) work:
I downloaded the file redhat.asc and run `gpg --import redhat.asc`.
I get these error messages:
	gpg: key CBA29BF9: unsupported public key algorithm
	gpg: key CBA29BF9: no valid user ids
	gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature

What is the correct solution?

Thank you in advance.
Petr Danecek