Keyservers in Europe?
J Horacio MG (Horacio)
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 00:55:36 +0100
El lun, 06 de dic de 1999, a las 10:41:35 +0100, Jonas Steverud dijo:
> This sounds like a silly question but where can I find a fast, good
> keyserver in Europe (from Sweden)? I searched the FAQs and
> documentations but found nothing.
Not in Europe, but in Spain
so, in Sweden it should be
and there *might* even exist one like
Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita Valencia - ESPAŅA
Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2 A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6