Adding a nonce before hashing as covert channel

Heiko Schäfer heiko.schaefer at
Wed Dec 18 13:57:41 CET 2024

On 12/18/24 10:07 AM, Werner Koch via Gnupg-devel wrote:
> Heiko,
> I don't want that such OpenPGP WG FUD now continues on this mailing list

I reject your abuse of the term "FUD" to describe my message. I have 
raised neither "fears", "uncertainty", nor "doubt".
Your attempt at such a blanket rebuttal borders on name-calling, and I 
resent this.

In fact, I want to offer a counterpoint:

*You* have consistently attempted to use FUD-style discursive tactics, 
including endless insinuations and innuendo.
The entire point of your LibrePGP website is very obviously to raise 
uncertainty and doubt about RFC 9580.

*You* are making a repetitive series of unfounded claims about the 
process, trying to raise fears about supposed compatibility issues and 
vaguely gesturing at supposed flaws of RFC 9580.

In reality, you have raised no points of substance[1] over the past two 
years. You are complaining about matters of style, and even more so, 
implicitly, about power. It is abundantly clear that you want to be 
accepted as an authority, including in matters of mere style, and are 
unable and unwilling to collaborate with anyone who pushes back.


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