Showing signatures for exported/unimported keys using the Python GPGME bindings

Werner Koch wk at
Fri Aug 23 10:11:45 CEST 2024

Hi Paul,

you might have noticed that we don't have a real maintainer for the
Python bindings anymore.  The last maintainer did a lot on the
documentation front but less on the actual inner workings.

Instead of having used the convient SWIG based bindings we should have
done a manual binding to make sure that we have a stable API (and less
compiler warning ;-).  It is more work of course but counting in all the
problems and the endless hours of fixing stuff this would have been
better in the end.

> P.S. Some kind of quick reference mapping gpg operations to the API would be 
> rather helpful. I see that examples are provided with the bindings, but they 

The original SWIG idea was that there is no need for a separate
documentation.  The higher level and more pythonese API was added latter
and is indeed not comprehensive.

It might be important for your considerations that we plan to split off
the language bindings into separate repos and tarballs.  The main driver
for this is that the Qt folks prefer to use cmake and having both build
systems (cmake and autotools) is not easy for the maintainers.  The
Python bindings will thus also be split into a separate library and it
will allow to have a maintainer who does not need to follow the gpgme
development all the day but instead rely on the stable GPGME API.




The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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Name: openpgp-digital-signature.asc
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