[PATCH libgpg-error] build: Be more consistent with memory management.

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Tue Apr 27 20:34:35 CEST 2021

On Tue, 27 Apr 2021 12:02, Érico Nogueira said:

> * src/mkheader.c: remove xfree wrapper (free(NULL) is well-defined),

It is weel defined but there SunOS bails out on it.  Further on Windows
you need to use a matching free from the same CRT; in particular for
inter-DLL use malloc and free.  Thuis having a warpper is a good idea.

>   use xmalloc instead of malloc+check return value, use macros to block
>   malloc and strdup from being used in the program.

Nope.  xmalloc is a shortcut to make things easier for short living
programs; replacing existing code by its inferior variant is a Bad

If you have a need for changes in libgpg-error, it is best to
communicate your reasons and not just to toss some patches.



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