Generating card keys via gpg-connect-agent

Jiri Kerestes jiri.kerestes at
Wed Sep 11 09:50:23 CEST 2019

Thanks, gpg-card looks exactly like the thing I'm looking for.

Best regards,

On 10. 09. 19 18:23, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Sep 2019 16:33, jiri.kerestes at said:
>> I'm trying to automate generating keys on a smart card using
>> gpg-connect-agent. However, there is no documentation at all on using
>> "SCD GENKEY" command. [1]
> as with all IPC commands you can use help.  In this case:
> # GENKEY [--force] [--timestamp=<isodate>] <keyref>
> # 
> # Generate a key on-card identified by <keyref>, which is application
> # specific.  Return values are also application specific.  For OpenPGP
> # cards 3 status lines are returned:
> # 
> #   S KEY-FPR  <hexstring>
> #   S KEY-CREATED-AT <seconds_since_epoch>
> #   S KEY-DATA [-|p|n] <hexdata>
> # 
> #   'p' and 'n' are the names of the RSA parameters; '-' is used to
> #   indicate that HEXDATA is the first chunk of a parameter given
> #   by the next KEY-DATA.  Only used by GnuPG version < 2.1.
> # 
> # --force is required to overwrite an already existing key.  The
> # KEY-CREATED-AT is required for further processing because it is
> # part of the hashed key material for the fingerprint.
> # 
> # If --timestamp is given an OpenPGP key will be created using this
> # value.  The value needs to be in ISO Format; e.g.
> # "--timestamp=20030316T120000" and after 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
> # 
> # The public part of the key can also later be retrieved using the
> # READKEY command.
>> Running this command generates the key, but the key is not added to the
>> keyring.
> You asked gpg-agent/scdaemon to create a key.  This is an internal (also
> stable) command which is used by gpg to create key.
>> Log inspection shows that 'gpg --card-edit' does not pass user-supplied
>> information (e.g. name, email, key expiration date) to gpg-agent, so it
>> must use some other mechanism.
> You can use
>   gpg --command-fd FD1 --status-fd FD2 --edit-key
> to do that.  It is a bit complicated because you need to write a FSM to
> answer the prompts from gpg.  Kleopatra and GPA use this method.
>> Is it even possible to generate keys on smart card using just gpg-agent?
> Yes, but you need to create a corresponding OpenPGP key then latter.
> You use the 'keygrip' method for this.
> If this is for a new project, I'd suggest that you look at gnupg's
> master branch in the repo which features the new tool gpg-card which has
> all kind of support to script stuff for cards.  The plan is to release
> GnuPG 2.3 (i.e. master) by the end of the year.
> Shalom-Salam,
>    Werner
> ps.
> List of commands implemented in gpg-card:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> quit           quit this menu
> help           show this help
> list           list all available data
> name           change card holder's name
> url            change URL to retrieve key
> fetch          fetch the key specified in the card URL
> login          change the login name
> lang           change the language preferences
> salutation     change card holder's salutation
> cafpr          change a CA fingerprint
> forcesig       toggle the signature force PIN flag
> generate       generate new keys
> passwd         menu to change or unblock the PIN
> verify         verify the PIN and list all data
> unblock        unblock the PIN using a Reset Code
> authenticate   authenticate to the card
> reset          send a reset to the card daemon
> factory-reset  destroy all keys and data
> kdf-setup      setup KDF for PIN authentication
> key-attr       change the key attribute
> uif            change the User Interaction Flag
> privatedo      change a private data object
> readcert       read a certificate from a data object
> writecert      store a certificate to a data object
> writekey       store a private key to a data object
> yubikey        Yubikey management commands
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> The man page (not up-to-date despite the recent date):
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> GPG-CARD(1)                                GNU Privacy Guard 2.2                               GPG-CARD(1)
>        gpg-card - Administrate Smart Cards
>        gpg-card [options]
>        gpg-card [options] command { -- command }
>        The gpg-card is used to administrate smart cards and USB tokens.
>        It provides a superset of fea- tures from gpg --card-edit an can
>        be considered a frontend to scdaemon which is a daemon started by
>        gpg-agent to handle smart cards.
>        If gpg-card is invoked without commands an interactive mode is
>        used.
>        If gpg-card is invoked with one or more commands the same
>        commands as available in the interactive mode are run from the
>        command line.  These commands need to be delimited with a
>        double-dash.  If a double-dash or a shell specific character is
>        required as part of a command the entire command needs to be put
>        in quotes.  If one of those commands returns an error the
>        remaining commands are mot any- more run unless the command was
>        prefixed with a single dash.
>        A list of commands is available by using the command help and a
>        detailed description of each com- mand is printed by using help
>        COMMAND.
>        See the NOTES sections for instructions pertaining to specific
>        cards or card applications.
>        gpg-card understands these options:
>        --with-colons
>               This option has currently no effect.
>        --status-fd n
>               Write special status strings to the file descriptor n.
>               This program returns only the status messages SUCCESS or
>               FAILURE which are helpful when the caller uses a double
>               fork approach and can't easily get the return code of the
>               process.
>        --verbose
>               Enable extra informational output.
>        --quiet
>               Disable almost all informational output.
>        --version
>               Print version of the program and exit.
>        --help Display a brief help page and exit.
>        --no-autostart
>               Do not start the gpg-agent if it has not yet been started
>               and its service is required.  This option is mostly useful
>               on machines where the connection to gpg-agent has been
>               redirected to another machines.
>        --agent-program file
>               Specify the agent program to be started if none is
>               running.  The default value is determined by running
>               gpgconf with the option --list-dirs.
>        --gpg-program file
>               Specify a non-default gpg binary to be used by certain commands.
>        --gpgsm-program file
>               Specify a non-default gpgsm binary to be used by certain commands.
>        The support for OpenPGP cards in gpg-card is not yet complete.
>        For missing features, please continue to use gpg --card-edit.
>        GnuPG has support for PIV cards (``Personal Identity
>        Verification'' as specified by NIST Special Publication
>        800-73-4).  This section describes how to initialize
>        (personalize) a fresh Yubikey token featuring the PIV application
>        (requires Yubikey-5).  We assume that the credentials have not
>        yet been changed and thus are:
>        Authentication key
>               This is a 24 byte key described by the hex string
>               010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708.
>        PIV Application PIN
>               This is the string 123456.
>        PIN Unblocking Key
>               This is the string 12345678.
>        See the example section on how to change these defaults.  For
>        production use it is important to use secure values for them.
>        Note that the Authentication Key is not queried via the usual
>        Pinentry dialog but needs to be entered manually or read from a
>        file.  The use of a dedicated machine to personalize tokens is
>        strongly suggested.
>        To see what is on the card, the command list can be given.  We
>        will use the interactive mode in the following (the string
>        gpg/card> is the prompt).  An example output for a fresh card is:
>          gpg/card> list
>          Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0
>          Card type ........: yubikey
>          Card firmware ....: 5.1.2
>          Serial number ....: D2760001240102010006090746250000
>          Application type .: OpenPGP
>          Version ..........: 2.1
>          [...]
>        It can be seen by the ``Application type'' line that GnuPG
>        selected the OpenPGP application of the Yubikey.  This is because
>        GnuPG assigns the highest priority to the OpenPGP application.
>        To use the PIV application of the Yubikey several methods can be
>        used:
>        With a Yubikey 5 or later the OpenPGP application on the Yubikey
>        can be disabled:
>          gpg/card> yubikey disable all opgp
>          gpg/card> yubikey list
>          Application  USB    NFC
>          -----------------------
>          OTP          yes    yes
>          U2F          yes    yes
>          OPGP         no     no
>          PIV          yes    no
>          OATH         yes    yes
>          FIDO2        yes    yes
>          gpg/card> reset
>        The reset is required so that the GnuPG system rereads the card.
>        Note that disabled applications keep all their data and can at
>        any time be re-enabled (use 'help yubikey').
>        Another option, which works for all Yubikey versions, is to
>        disable the support for OpenPGP cards in scdaemon.  This is done
>        by adding the line
>          disable-application openpgp
>        to '~/.gnupg/scdaemon.conf' and by restarting scdaemon, either by
>        killing the process or by using 'gpgconf --kill scdaemon'.
>        Finally the default order in which card applications are tried by
>        scdaemon can be changed.  For example to prefer PIV over OpenPGP
>        it is sufficient to add
>          application-priority piv
>        to '~/.gnupg/scdaemon.conf' and to restart scdaemon.  This has an
>        effect only on tokens which sup- port both, PIV and OpenPGP, but
>        does not hamper the use of OpenPGP only tokens.
>        With one of these methods employed the list command of gpg-card
>        shows this:
>          gpg/card> list
>          Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0
>          Card type ........: yubikey
>          Card firmware ....: 5.1.2
>          Serial number ....: FF020001008A77C1
>          Application type .: PIV
>          Version ..........: 1.0
>          Displayed s/n ....: yk-9074625
>          PIN usage policy .: app-pin
>          PIN retry counter : - 3 -
>          PIV authentication: [none]
>                keyref .....: PIV.9A
>          Card authenticat. : [none]
>                keyref .....: PIV.9E
>          Digital signature : [none]
>                keyref .....: PIV.9C
>          Key management ...: [none]
>                keyref .....: PIV.9D
>        In case several tokens are plugged into the computer, gpg-card
>        will show only one.  To show another token the number of the
>        token (0, 1, 2, ...) can be given as an argument to the list
>        command.  The command 'list --cards' prints a list of all
>        inserted tokens.
>        Note that the ``Displayed s/n'' is printed on the token and also
>        shown in Pinentry prompts asking for the PIN.  The four standard
>        key slots are always shown, if other key slots are initialized
>        they are shown as well.  The PIV authentication key (internal
>        reference PIV.9A) is used to authenticate the card and the card
>        holder.  The use of the associated private key is protected by
>        the Applica- tion PIN which needs to be provided once and the key
>        can the be used until the card is reset or removed from the
>        reader or USB port.  GnuPG uses this key with its Secure Shell
>        support.  The Card authentication key (PIV.9E) is also known as
>        the CAK and used to support physical access applica- tions.  The
>        private key is not protected by a PIN and can thus immediately be
>        used.  The Digital signature key (PIV.9C) is used to digitally
>        sign documents.  The use of the associated private key is
>        protected by the Application PIN which needs to be provided for
>        each signing operation.  The Key management key (PIV.9D) is used
>        for encryption.  The use of the associated private key is
>        protected by the Application PIN which needs to be provided only
>        once so that decryption operations can then be done until the
>        card is reset or removed from the reader or USB port.
>        We now generate three of the four keys.  Note that GnuPG does
>        currently not use the the Card authentication key; however, that
>        key is mandatory by the PIV standard and thus we create it too.
>        Key generation requires that we authenticate to the card.  This
>        can be done either on the command line (which would reveal the
>        key):
>          gpg/card> auth 010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708
>        or by reading the key from a file.  That file needs to consist of
>        one LF terminated line with the hex encoded key (as above):
>          gpg/card> auth < myauth.key
>        As usual 'help auth' gives help for this command.  An error
>        message is printed if a non-matching key is used.  The
>        authentication is valid until a reset of the card or until the
>        card is removed from the reader or the USB port.  Note that that
>        in non-interactive mode the '<' needs to be quoted so that the
>        shell does not interpret it as a its own redirection symbol.
>        Here are the actual commands to generate the keys:
>          gpg/card> generate --algo=nistp384 PIV.9A
>          PIV card no. yk-9074625 detected
>          gpg/card> generate --algo=nistp256 PIV.9E
>          PIV card no. yk-9074625 detected
>          gpg/card> generate --algo=rsa2048 PIV.9C
>          PIV card no. yk-9074625 detected
>        If a key has already been created for one of the slots an error
>        will be printed; to create a new key anyway the option '--force'
>        can be used.  Note that only the private and public keys have
>        been created but no certificates are stored in the key slots.  In
>        fact, GnuPG uses its own non-standard method to store just the
>        public key in place of the the certificate.  Other application
>        will not be able to make use these keys until gpgsm or another
>        tool has been used to create and store the respective
>        certificates.  Let us see what the list command now shows:
>          gpg/card> list
>          Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0
>          Card type ........: yubikey
>          Card firmware ....: 5.1.2
>          Serial number ....: FF020001008A77C1
>          Application type .: PIV
>          Version ..........: 1.0
>          Displayed s/n ....: yk-9074625
>          PIN usage policy .: app-pin
>          PIN retry counter : - 3 -
>          PIV authentication: 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E
>                keyref .....: PIV.9A  (auth)
>                algorithm ..: nistp384
>          Card authenticat. : 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C
>                keyref .....: PIV.9E  (auth)
>                algorithm ..: nistp256
>          Digital signature : 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED
>                keyref .....: PIV.9C  (sign,cert)
>                algorithm ..: rsa2048
>          Key management ...: [none]
>                keyref .....: PIV.9D
>        The primary information for each key is the keygrip, a 40 byte
>        hex-string identifying the key.  This keygrip is a unique
>        identifier for the specific parameters of a key.  It is used by
>        gpg-agent and other parts of GnuPG to associate a private key to
>        its protocol specific certificate format (X.509, OpenPGP, or
>        SecureShell).  Below the keygrip the key reference along with the
>        key usage capabilities are show.  Finally the algorithm is
>        printed in the format used by {gpg}.  At that point no other
>        information is shown because for these new keys gpg won't be able
>        to find matching certificates.
>        Although we could have created the Key management key also with
>        the generate command, we will cre- ate that key off-card so that
>        a backup exists.  To accomplish this a key needs to be created
>        with either gpg or gpgsm or imported in one of these tools.  In
>        our example we create a self-signed X.509 certificate (exit the
>        gpg-card tool, first):
>          $ gpgsm --gen-key -o encr.crt
>             (1) RSA
>             (2) Existing key
>             (3) Existing key from card
>          Your selection? 1
>          What keysize do you want? (3072) 2048
>          Requested keysize is 2048 bits
>          Possible actions for a RSA key:
>             (1) sign, encrypt
>             (2) sign
>             (3) encrypt
>          Your selection? 3
>          Enter the X.509 subject name: CN=Encryption key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE
>          Enter email addresses (end with an empty line):
>          > otto at
>          >
>          Enter DNS names (optional; end with an empty line):
>          >
>          Enter URIs (optional; end with an empty line):
>          >
>          Create self-signed certificate? (y/N) y
>          These parameters are used:
>              Key-Type: RSA
>              Key-Length: 2048
>              Key-Usage: encrypt
>              Serial: random
>              Name-DN: CN=Encryption key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE
>              Name-Email: otto at
>          Proceed with creation? (y/N)
>          Now creating self-signed certificate.  This may take a while ...
>          gpgsm: about to sign the certificate for key: &34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB
>          gpgsm: certificate created
>          Ready.
>          $ gpgsm --import encr.crt
>          gpgsm: certificate imported
>          gpgsm: total number processed: 1
>          gpgsm:               imported: 1
>        Note the last step which imported the created certificate.  If
>        you you instead created a certifi- cate signing request (CSR)
>        instead of a self-signed certificate and sent this off to a CA
>        you would do the same import step with the certificate received
>        from the CA.  Take note of the keygrip (pre- fixed with an
>        ampersand) as shown during the certificate creation or listed it
>        again using 'gpgsm --with-keygrip -k otto at'.  Now to
>        move the key and certificate to the card start gpg- card again
>        and enter:
>          gpg/card> writekey PIV.9D 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB
>          gpg/card> writecert PIV.9D < encr.crt
>        If you entered a passphrase to protect the private key, you will
>        be asked for it via the Pinentry prompt.  On success the key and
>        the certificate has been written to the card and a list command
>        shows:
>          [...]
>          Key management ...: 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB
>                keyref .....: PIV.9D  (encr)
>                algorithm ..: rsa2048
>                used for ...: X.509
>                  user id ..: CN=Encryption key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE
>                  user id ..: <otto at>
>        In case the same key (identified by the keygrip) has been used
>        for several certificates you will see several ``used for'' parts.
>        With this the encryption key is now fully functional and can be
>        used to decrypt messages encrypted to this certificate.  Take
>        care: the original key is still stored on-disk and should be
>        moved to a backup medium.  This can simply be done by copying the
>        file '34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB.key' from the
>        directory '~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/' to the backup medium and
>        deleting the file at its original place.
>        The final example is to create a self-signed certificate for
>        digital signatures.  Leave gpg-card using quit or by pressing
>        Control-D and use gpgsm:
>          $ gpgsm --learn
>          $ gpgsm --gen-key -o sign.crt
>          Please select what kind of key you want:
>             (1) RSA
>             (2) Existing key
>             (3) Existing key from card
>          Your selection? 3
>          Serial number of the card: FF020001008A77C1
>          Available keys:
>             (1) 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E PIV.9A nistp384
>             (2) 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C PIV.9E nistp256
>             (3) 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED PIV.9C rsa2048
>             (4) 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB PIV.9D rsa2048
>          Your selection? 3
>          Possible actions for a RSA key:
>             (1) sign, encrypt
>             (2) sign
>             (3) encrypt
>          Your selection? 2
>          Enter the X.509 subject name: CN=Signing key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE
>          Enter email addresses (end with an empty line):
>          > otto at
>          >
>          Enter DNS names (optional; end with an empty line):
>          >
>          Enter URIs (optional; end with an empty line):
>          >
>          Create self-signed certificate? (y/N)
>          These parameters are used:
>              Key-Type: card:PIV.9C
>              Key-Length: 1024
>              Key-Usage: sign
>              Serial: random
>              Name-DN: CN=Signing key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE
>              Name-Email: otto at
>          Proceed with creation? (y/N) y
>          Now creating self-signed certificate.  This may take a while ...
>          gpgsm: about to sign the certificate for key: &32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED
>          gpgsm: certificate created
>          Ready.
>          $ gpgsm --import sign.crt
>          gpgsm: certificate imported
>          gpgsm: total number processed: 1
>          gpgsm:               imported: 1
>        The use of 'gpgsm --learn' is currently necessary so that
>        gpg-agent knows what keys are available on the card.  The need
>        for this command will eventually be removed.  The remaining
>        commands are similar to the creation of an on-disk key.  However,
>        here we select the 'Digital signature' key.  During the creation
>        process you will be asked for the Application PIN of the card.
>        The final step is to write the certificate to the card using
>        gpg-card:
>          gpg/card> writecert PIV.9C < sign.crt
>        By running list again we will see the fully initialized card:
>          Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0
>          Card type ........: yubikey
>          Card firmware ....: 5.1.2
>          Serial number ....: FF020001008A77C1
>          Application type .: PIV
>          Version ..........: 1.0
>          Displayed s/n ....: yk-9074625
>          PIN usage policy .: app-pin
>          PIN retry counter : - [verified] -
>          PIV authentication: 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E
>                keyref .....: PIV.9A  (auth)
>                algorithm ..: nistp384
>          Card authenticat. : 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C
>                keyref .....: PIV.9E  (auth)
>                algorithm ..: nistp256
>          Digital signature : 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED
>                keyref .....: PIV.9C  (sign,cert)
>                algorithm ..: rsa2048
>                used for ...: X.509
>                  user id ..: CN=Signing key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE
>                  user id ..: <otto at>
>          Key management ...: 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB
>                keyref .....: PIV.9D  (encr)
>                algorithm ..: rsa2048
>                used for ...: X.509
>                  user id ..: CN=Encryption key for yk-9074625,O=example,C=DE
>                  user id ..: <otto at>
>        It is now possible to sign and to encrypt with this card using
>        gpgsm and to use the 'PIV authenti- cation' key with ssh:
>          $ ssh-add -l
>          384 SHA256:0qnJ0Y0ehWxKcx2frLfEljf6GCdlO55OZed5HqGHsaU cardno:yk-9074625 (ECDSA)
>        As usual use ssh-add with the uppercase '-L' to list the public
>        ssh key.  To use the certificates with Thunderbird or Mozilla,
>        please consult the Scute manual for details.
>        If you want to use the same PIV keys also for OpenPGP (for
>        example on a Yubikey to avoid switching between OpenPGP and PIV),
>        this is also possible:
>          $ gpgsm --learn
>          $ gpg --full-gen-key
>          Please select what kind of key you want:
>             (1) RSA and RSA (default)
>             (2) DSA and Elgamal
>             (3) DSA (sign only)
>             (4) RSA (sign only)
>            (14) Existing key from card
>          Your selection? 14
>          Serial number of the card: FF020001008A77C1
>          Available keys:
>             (1) 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E PIV.9A nistp384 (auth)
>             (2) 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C PIV.9E nistp256 (auth)
>             (3) 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED PIV.9C rsa2048 (cert,sign)
>             (4) 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB PIV.9D rsa2048 (encr)
>          Your selection? 3
>          Please specify how long the key should be valid.
>                   0 = key does not expire
>                <n>  = key expires in n days
>                <n>w = key expires in n weeks
>                <n>m = key expires in n months
>                <n>y = key expires in n years
>          Key is valid for? (0)
>          Key does not expire at all
>          Is this correct? (y/N) y
>          GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.
>          Real name:
>          Email address: otto at
>          Comment:
>          You selected this USER-ID:
>              "otto at"
>          Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? o
>          gpg: key C3AFA9ED971BB365 marked as ultimately trusted
>          gpg: revocation certificate stored as '[...]D971BB365.rev'
>          public and secret key created and signed.
>          Note that this key cannot be used for encryption.  You may want to use
>          the command "--edit-key" to generate a subkey for this purpose.
>          pub   rsa2048 2019-04-04 [SC]
>                7F899AE2FB73159DD68A1B20C3AFA9ED971BB365
>          uid                      otto at
>        Note that you will be asked two times to enter the PIN of your
>        PIV card.  If you run gpg in --expert mode you will also ge given
>        the option to change the usage flags of the key.  The next
>        typescript shows how to add the encryption subkey:
>          $ gpg --edit-key 7F899AE2FB73159DD68A1B20C3AFA9ED971BB365
>          Secret key is available.
>          sec  rsa2048/C3AFA9ED971BB365
>               created: 2019-04-04  expires: never       usage: SC
>               card-no: FF020001008A77C1
>               trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
>          [ultimate] (1). otto at
>          gpg> addkey
>          Secret parts of primary key are stored on-card.
>          Please select what kind of key you want:
>             (3) DSA (sign only)
>             (4) RSA (sign only)
>             (5) Elgamal (encrypt only)
>             (6) RSA (encrypt only)
>            (14) Existing key from card
>          Your selection? 14
>          Serial number of the card: FF020001008A77C1
>          Available keys:
>             (1) 213D1825FDE0F8240CB4E4229F01AF90AC658C2E PIV.9A nistp384 (auth)
>             (2) 7A53E6CFFE7220A0E646B4632EE29E5A7104499C PIV.9E nistp256 (auth)
>             (3) 32A6C6FAFCB8421878608AAB452D5470DD3223ED PIV.9C rsa2048 (cert,sign)
>             (4) 34798AAFE0A7565088101CC4AE31C5C8C74461CB PIV.9D rsa2048 (encr)
>          Your selection? 4
>          Please specify how long the key should be valid.
>                   0 = key does not expire
>                <n>  = key expires in n days
>                <n>w = key expires in n weeks
>                <n>m = key expires in n months
>                <n>y = key expires in n years
>          Key is valid for? (0)
>          Key does not expire at all
>          Is this correct? (y/N) y
>          Really create? (y/N) y
>          sec  rsa2048/C3AFA9ED971BB365
>               created: 2019-04-04  expires: never       usage: SC
>               card-no: FF020001008A77C1
>               trust: ultimate      validity: ultimate
>          ssb  rsa2048/7067860A98FCE6E1
>               created: 2019-04-04  expires: never       usage: E
>               card-no: FF020001008A77C1
>          [ultimate] (1). otto at
>          gpg> save
>        Now you can use your PIV card also with gpg.
>        scdaemon(1)
> GnuPG 2.3.0-beta911                             2019-08-30                                     GPG-CARD(1)
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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