Setting up wks/ error parsing submission email

Werner Koch wk at
Wed Dec 19 09:40:40 CET 2018

On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 23:38, fsantiago at said:

> so this was produced following the online instructions for setting up
> WKS (as far as building your own current gpg). should i not do that?
> or what can i do to enable or disable compression? Thanks for your

The configure scripts detects whether the required libs are available and
depending on this includes support for these compression algorithms.  IF
you created the encryption key for the server using that very version
everything should be fine.  It might be easiest to simply create a new
key using the version w/o the compression support.

Or you build again but first install the packages /zlibg1-dev/ and
/libbz2-dev/.  If you build using the speedo Makefile copies of those
libearies should have been downloaded and used during the speedo build



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