dirmngr without ipv6 connectivity fails

Alexander Strobel Alexander.Strobel at giepa.de
Mon Apr 3 17:45:55 CEST 2017

Hello list,

I found out that (sometimes) I am unable to retrieve keys from
pool.sks-keyservers.net when using GnuPG 2.1.19 (on Windows x64). After
enabling the logging of the dirmngr I found out that I can't get any
keys when GnuPG tries to get the keys via ipv6 instead of ipv4. When I
explicitly use ipv4.pool.sks-keyservers.net everything works fine.
I am within a network that isn't connected via ipv6 to the rest of the
world (until now), so the problem seems clear to me.

I would like to know if my suspicion is correct and if there is any way
to fix this? Will be there a newer version of GnuPG that will check if a
keyserver is accessible over ipv6 and fall back to ipv4 if necessary?
Or am I completely wrong and something other is causing the problem here?
(Short logs of dirmngr attached)

Best regards
 Alex Strobel
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