Using OpenPGPcard through PC/SC service and with reader of Short APDU level exchange only

Werner Koch wk at
Fri May 17 09:44:54 CEST 2013

On Fri, 17 May 2013 02:42, gniibe at said:

> not be worth for the rework.  That's because there is just a few
> readers in industry which support "Short APDU level exchange only",

Actually all Omnicard based readers support only Short APDU level
exchange via CCID.  I have a small stack of them and they are pretty
useless with the V2 card on Unix.  In Windows they work well, though.
Maybe newer models have been fixes - I don't know.

In any case I don't think it is justified to spend time adding
workarounds for these readers.  In particular because Omnicard refused
to document their internal TPDU interface which is used by their Windows
driver.  Granted, I once did a workaround for my Omnicard based PC-Card
reader but meanwhile my laptop has no such slot anymore so I have no
personal need for it, either.

Detecting this case and printing a useful error message is of course a
good idea.



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