changing SONAME for libs on Android

Hans of Guardian hans at
Tue Jun 25 01:04:32 CEST 2013

Right now, when building the GnuPG suite for Android, it creates shared library files that are named in the normal GNU/Linux style, i.e., including the ABI version after .so.  When building for Android, it currently inherits this behavior, perhaps because they share the Linux kernel.  But unfortunately, this is not the proper Android behavior.

While versioned libraries are wonderful things, Android does not use or support them.  It might complicate the build process to make the Android build not use this naming scheme, it will greatly simplify the process of using GnuPG in an Android app because we can then distribute the .so files in the official Android way.

So I'm curious whether this would take a lot of work to do, and what other repercussions such a change would have.  As far as just changing the SONAME in the build process, that should be pretty straightforward.

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