A wiki for GnuPG and related topics?

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Mon Jan 7 22:18:26 CET 2013

I've refrained from commenting because i don't want to be a wet blanket,
and i certainly wouldn't block anyone from setting up something like this.

However, most people are busy people, and each new community that
they're asked to join and contribute to requires a time commitment.

Perhaps there is an existing community that people could contribute to?

For example:


is a wiki page that several folks (including myself) have contributed
to.  Create an account on https://we.riseup.net/ and join the "Debian
Grimoire" group if you want to contribute as well.

it doesn't offer org mode, sorry!  It does offer a decent size set of
pre-existing users already interested in the topic at some level, though :)



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