porting gnupg to Android, is pth required?

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Thu Jan 19 16:20:21 CET 2012

Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at guardianproject.info> writes:

> Excellent, thanks for stepping up on this!  Here's the Android
> cross-compiler, its a big tarball of a custom gcc build, some libs,
> and some utilities:
> http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html
> I work on Debian, Ubuntu, and Mac OS X.  I have taken to untarring the
> above in /usr/local, then making a /usr/local/android-ndk symlink to
> the versioned directory.  I also attached my bash settings to set the
> path and some env vars for the Makefiles.  I don't think you'll need
> to download the Android SDK stuff at all.

Thank you for pointers!  I'll start by trying to make gnulib buildable
in this environment...  (although not until tomorrow)


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