laying groundwork for an eventual migration away from SHA1 with gpg

John W. Moore III jmoore3rd at
Thu May 21 20:12:06 CEST 2009

Robert J. Hansen wrote:

> Passports are far better and easier to check -- if I want to know what
> to look for to make sure a passport is real, I just visit the website of
> the issuing government.

Presumably this tactic would also be effective by visiting a State
Website.  Alas, the majority of Key signing Parties result mostly in "I
was there and spoke with...." Signatures.  It's hard to imagine how
shaking more hands than a politician on Runoff Day can convey any sense
of 'trustworthiness' about the other individual.  :-\  Still, BoF
Parties can be a helluva lot of fun.  :)

Timestamp: Thursday 21 May 2009, 14:11  --400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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