Keyrings file format
Werner Koch
wk at
Tue Jan 6 18:14:08 CET 2009
On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 16:18, rjh at said:
> Is there any possibility of the new GnuPG keyring format being something
> easier to parse? Not necessarily XML (although I think that would be a
That depends on your needs. It will be easier to parse than OpenPGP but
still be an opaque format. However it uses length headers to describe a
keyblock and thus skipping over a keyblock does not need intimate
knowledge of OpenPGP. In fact it is the same format as used by gpgsm
and already defined for years (gnupg/kbx/keybox-blob.c):
The KeyBox uses an augmented OpenPGP/X.509 key format. This makes
random access to a keyblock/certificate easier and also gives the
opportunity to store additional information (e.g. the fingerprint)
along with the key. All integers are stored in network byte order,
offsets are counted from the beginning of the Blob.
The first record of a plain KBX file has a special format:
u32 length of the first record
byte Blob type (1)
byte version number (1)
byte reserved
byte reserved
u32 magic 'KBXf'
u32 reserved
u32 file_created_at
u32 last_maintenance_run
u32 reserved
u32 reserved
The OpenPGP and X.509 blob are very similiar, things which are
X.509 specific are noted like [X.509: xxx]
u32 length of this blob (including these 4 bytes)
byte Blob type (2) [X509: 3]
byte version number of this blob type (1)
u16 Blob flags
bit 0 = contains secret key material
bit 1 = ephemeral blob (e.g. used while quering external resources)
u32 offset to the OpenPGP keyblock or X509 DER encoded certificate
u32 and its length
u16 number of keys (at least 1!) [X509: always 1]
u16 size of additional key information
n times:
b20 The keys fingerprint
(fingerprints are always 20 bytes, MD5 left padded with zeroes)
u32 offset to the n-th key's keyID (a keyID is always 8 byte)
or 0 if not known which is the case only for X509.
u16 special key flags
bit 0 = qualified signature (not yet implemented}
u16 reserved
u16 size of serialnumber(may be zero)
n u16 (see above) bytes of serial number
u16 number of user IDs
u16 size of additional user ID information
n times:
u32 offset to the n-th user ID
u32 length of this user ID.
u16 special user ID flags.
bit 0 =
byte validity
byte reserved
[For X509, the first user ID is the Issuer, the second the Subject
and the others are subjectAltNames]
u16 number of signatures
u16 size of signature information (4)
u32 expiration time of signature with some special values:
0x00000000 = not checked
0x00000001 = missing key
0x00000002 = bad signature
0x10000000 = valid and expires at some date in 1978.
0xffffffff = valid and does not expire
u8 assigned ownertrust [X509: not used]
u8 all_validity
OpenPGP: see ../g10/trustdb/TRUST_* [not yet used]
X509: Bit 4 set := key has been revoked. Note that this value
u16 reserved
u32 recheck_after
u32 Newest timestamp in the keyblock (useful for KS syncronsiation?)
u32 Blob created at
u32 size of reserved space (not including this field)
reserved space
Here we might want to put other data
Here comes the keyblock
maybe we put a signature here later.
b16 MD5 checksum (useful for KS syncronisation), we might also want to use
a mac here.
b4 reserved
Not exactly what you desire but very helpful implementation wise. There
is also the idea of an internal key listing daemon to get rid of file
locking. There is a utility kbxdump which can be used to dump such a
keybox file in a human readable format.
The main advantage of this format is that there is no more
need to parse an OpenPGP keyring all the way down to the desired key
which for example includes the computation of fingerprints for all keys
before the one we want. It also allows to get rid of sequential scans
by having index entries, but experiments have shown that this is not the
major performance hurdle. The OpenPGP parsing with the fingerprint
computation is what makes operations on large keyrings very slow.
The primary reason why the format is not yet used is that it will take
some effort to automagically migrate to the new format without
introducing too many hassles.
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