Libgcrypt compile on aix failing, any help?

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Tue Apr 7 20:25:30 CEST 2009


On Apr 7, 2009, at 11:16 AM, Richard Francis wrote:
> don't flame me...i'm struggling to libgcrypt made, any ideas are  
> greatly appreciated...i see fragments of this issue  
> frequently...surely there is a straightforward resolution...hoping  
> so. thanks in advance.

A quick search on the error message suggests that passing "--disable- 
asm" to ./configure might help.  It's not clear whether this is an  
actual problem with the inline assembly code within libgcryppt, or a  
result of a GCC bug...if the latter, it's also possible that using a  
newer or different version of the compiler itself might be helpful.


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