Static linking

Werner Koch wk at
Fri Apr 25 09:43:26 CEST 2008

On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:26, aoz.syn at said:

> I really only need one feature - decryption, but am trying to make a

In this case it might be useful to write a new application just for this
purpose.  The major part of gpg is about key management, and coping with
all kinds of OpenPGP features.  In fact, it seems that you can control
how the encrypted OpenPGP data is made up (Algorithms for example).
Thus it will be very easy to write code which just takes care of such
OpenPGP message (e.g. RSA, AES and SHA-1).  Add a basic keyring parsing
and a way t provide a passpharse and you are mostly done.

Last year I started with a project to write a minimal OpenPGP
allication, called tgpg.  It is designed as a library and thus it should
be possible to include it in grub.  There is some basic code already but
is far from being finished.  It might be a starting point.

>>From what I see, the '--enable-static' configuration argument and its
> ilk were removed with gnupg-2.  My experiment with LDFLAGS has shown

Hmmm.  This configure option is due to libtool.  Because GnupG does not
use libtool I don't udnerstand why it should have been there at all.

> expediency.  Unless, of course, there exists some edge case particular
> to gnupg that I don't know about, which is why I came to you guys.

Not that I know.

> If I may ask, then, what would you suggest?  My only real requirement
> is to get away from storing unencrypted key material on-disk, unless
> someone can make a good case that it provides no reasonable additional

A new package based on gnupg-1 which just the minla features enabled?



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