GPG & Floating point?

Alan Watt alan.watt at
Mon Dec 17 17:04:19 CET 2007

Can anybody answer the question whether GPG uses any floating point 
instructions during decryption?

I'm running some performance tests on a 4-core SPARC T-2000 verses my 
current production environment, and GPG decryption performance is 
nowhere near as improved as I would expect.  The actual performance I 
get per thread is about equal to an old 296 MHz Ultra-SPARC II 
processor.  In most other tasks, the T-2000 is much, much faster.

Since all the cores on the T-2000 chip share the same FPU, any 
significant use of floating point basically throttles the chip down to a 
single thread.


    Alan Watt
    Alan.Watt at McKesson.Com

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