gpgsm 1.9.22 supports no RC2 Algorithm ?

Werner Koch wk at
Tue Apr 17 10:03:06 CEST 2007

On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 21:42, M_Hoeller at said:

> hier sind noch ein paar Details, laut der thunderbird entwicker liste 
> wird RC2 gar nicht mehr verwendet,,, aber das gpgsm log sagt was 
> anderes. 

[ According to the TB dev ML, RC2 is not used...but the gpgsm log tells
  something different]

> OpenPGP: id=BDD13B90; url=

Cool feature: let know whenever someone wants to verify
that message for the first time.

> 4 - 2007-04-16 21:32:46 gpgsm[7623.0x8084a98] DBG: <- DECRYPT
>   4 - 2007-04-16 21:32:46 gpgsm[7623]: unsupported algorithm 
> `1.2.840.113549.3.2'
>   4 - 2007-04-16 21:32:46 gpgsm[7623]: (Dies ist der RC-2 Algorithmus)

> demnach muss Thunderbird eine RC2 Verschlüsselung geschickt haben. Wie 
> kann das sein wenn diese von TB gar nicht unterstützt wird? Oder 
> kommt gpgsm durch was anderes aus dem Tritt?

[ so TB must have send a message using RC2.  How can that happen if TB
  does not support RC2.  Or is it a gpgsm problem? ]

Look at the error handling code:

              rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM);
              log_error ("unsupported algorithm `%s'\n", algoid? algoid:"?");
              if (algoid && !strcmp (algoid, "1.2.840.113549.3.2"))
                log_info (_("(this is the RC2 algorithm)\n"));

RC2 has clearly been identified.  To get a second opinion, you might
want to run dumpasn1 over the message (remove the base64 first) and
see that dumpasn1 will tell you the same.



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