pgp/mime support in gpg
Albrecht Dreß
albrecht.dress at
Thu May 4 14:07:30 CEST 2006
> Just a thought. Would it not be very helpful for
> plugin writers if the gpg binary was able to generate
> pgp/mime emails?
IMO, this is out of the scope of GnuPG. RFC 3156 [1] is rather complex, and parts of the actual implementation will depend upon the MUA.
If you need an excellent library to work with MIME messages, including RFC 3156 support, you may want to have a look at gmime [2]. Note that gmime talks directly to gpg and does not support RFC 2440 [3] or RFC 2633 [4]. OTOH, i doesn't need gpgme.
For the MUA Balsa, which is based upon gmime, I wrote a few gpgme based gmime extensions which support all aforementioned crypto protocols. Please see the gmime-* files in
Just my EUR 0.01, though...
Cheers, Albrecht.
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