Two patches for cygwin build of 1.4.1rc2
Volker Quetschke
quetschke at
Thu Mar 10 16:34:48 CET 2005
* crossposted to cygwin ml in case my opinion is not shared by the
cygwin developers. *
>>that would be either the location of the started executable or
>>everything in the PATH variable. As the
> and 4 other locations. Windows looks for DLLs this way:
> 1. The directory from where the current process was loaded.
> 2. The current directory
> 3. The Windows system directory (cf. GetSystemDirectory)
> 4. The 16 bit system directory
> 5. The Windows directory (cf. GetWindowsDirectory)
> 6. The directories listen in $PATH.
Thanks, but as the dll location is defined by the cygwin installation
(cf. nothing except 1., 2. and 6. is an option.
> Given that this DLL is requirement for many application, you should
> install it into the Windows directory. Or modify cygwin to allow
> loading of that DLL from a different place; I bet there is at least an
> environment variable to do this.
This will never happen for the cygwin distribution. The dll lives in
<cygwin main directory>/bin. Period. This was deliberately chosen in the
past and will most propably not change to please one package.
As the gnupg package maintainer for cygwin I can live with the mentioned
patch, gpg will just work for people who install it as a cygwin package.
All people that compile a version on their own will have to use
exec-path or (on their own risk) copy the dll around.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
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