Tricky gpgme_wait bug.
Igor Belyi
gpgme at
Sat Apr 23 19:25:55 CEST 2005
There's a strange gpgme bug hit by gpgme_wait when there's a sleep
happen between calls and when the asynchronous command is
'gpgme_op_verify_start' resulting in an error.
I've attached the program reproducing the problem. An input parameter
should be a file with an attached signature. The problem can be seen
when you feed to the program a file containing no signature. You can
also see that problem does not happen if you comment out 'sleep(1)' in
the while loop.
I've run it in a debugger and found out that segmentation fault happens
due to the fact that in the following line of the
wait-global.c/gpgme_wait() function values of the opaque structure are
item = (struct wait_item_s *) fdt.fds[i].opaque;
I have hard time finding out where this opaque comes from and why would
it be invalid sometimes, so I thought I will share what I already found.
Hopefully, somebody will have better luck tracking this problem out.
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