Andreas Bergen
andreas.bergen at
Mon Jun 14 14:47:59 CEST 2004
> On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 17:08:24 +0200, Andreas Bergen said:
> > Compilation and installation worked fine but as I wrote above there's
> > still the message that RC2 is not supported:
> >
> > gpgsm: unsupported algorithm `1.2.840.113549.3.2'
> Well. The RC2 support is only 40 bit as used by pkcs#12.
As I'm not a crypto-expert this is probably a stupid question, but, as far as
I understand 1.2.840.113549.3.2 stands for the 40bit and the 128bit version
of the rc2-algorithm, doesn't it?
Why can't I decrypt a message sent from outlook express, though it complains
that it can only encrypt using 40bit?
Are there different RC2 (40bit)-Algorithms?
I found a list of crypto-algorithms with oid (what does this stand for?) and
there's at least two versions of the rc2-algorithm:
1.2.840.113549.3.2 is called RC2CBC
1.2.840.113549. is called pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2_CBC
What's the difference between these two?
Are both 40bit?
Is there any way to decrypt outlook-40bit-messages?
> > And I've got one final question: Is there anywhere a cryptplug-version
> > which supports this new gnupg/gpgsm?
> There should be one because this is the reason I released gpgme 0.3.16
> quite some time ago.
Now I recompiled everything and things are sort of working but not really
- rc2 still doesn't work (s. above)
- encryption-capabilities seem not to be part of the signature-certificate (at
least they aren't imported into the gpgsm-keybox (gpgsm --dump-keys doesn't
show any after verifying a self-signed text) and outlook express still
doesn't know how to encrypt mail it wants to send to me and encrypts using
40bit rc2 (which I can't decrypt, s. above)
- signing and encryption takes very (!) long using kmail (sometimes several
minutes). There seem to be thousands of gpgsm-instances started and
immediately finished (can be seen using ps) until I get the gpg-agent-window
to enter the passphrase. Is there a problem in the communication between
kmail and gpgsm?
Thanks again for any help
(Please reply by Email as I'm still not subscribed to the mailing-list -- slow
modem user)
(this is in part a restating of questions I already had sent to WK but haven't
got an answer, yet, so I put it all together in another email so that
everyone on the mailing-list can see it, please don't feel pressed by it...)
Andreas Bergen
E-Mail: andreas.bergen in-jesus de
PGP/GnuPG-encrypted / -signed Email welcome. PGP-key-ID: 8CDEC18F
Gott ist Liebe, und wer in der Liebe bleibt, bleibt in Gott und Gott in ihm.
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