[FEATURE REQ, RFC], improving ergonomic HMI fingerprint cross verification

Tim Mooney mooney at dogbert.cc.ndsu.NoDak.edu
Fri Jul 16 19:39:03 CEST 2004

In regard to: Re: [FEATURE REQ, RFC], improving ergonomic HMI fingerprint...:

> Thus better learn the Alpha..Zulu alphabet and just use it when
> reading fingerprints to someone.

I was never in the military so I have a hard time remembering the
"international" call signs.  Hence the perl script I use (I call it

#!/local/bin/perl -w

# Author: Tim Mooney <enchanter at users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright: GPL
# TVM: convert a letter to its call-sign equivalent

%signs = (
 	'a'	=>	'alpha',
 	'A'	=>	'Alpha',
 	'b'	=>	'bravo',
 	'B'	=>	'Bravo',
 	'c'	=>	'charlie',
 	'C'	=>	'Charlie',
 	'd'	=>	'delta',
 	'D'	=>	'Delta',
 	'e'	=>	'echo',
 	'E'	=>	'Echo',
 	'f'	=>	'foxtrot',
 	'F'	=>	'Foxtrot',
 	'g'	=>	'golf',
 	'G'	=>	'Golf',
 	'h'	=>	'hotel',
 	'H'	=>	'Hotel',
 	'i'	=>	'india',
 	'I'	=>	'India',
 	'j'	=>	'juliet',
 	'J'	=>	'Juliet',
 	'k'	=>	'kilo',
 	'K'	=>	'Kilo',
 	'l'	=>	'lima',
 	'L'	=>	'Lima',
 	'm'	=>	'mike',
 	'M'	=>	'Mike',
 	'n'	=>	'november',
 	'N'	=>	'November',
 	'o'	=>	'oscar',
 	'O'	=>	'Oscar',
 	'p'	=>	'papa',
 	'P'	=>	'Papa',
 	'q'	=>	'quebec',
 	'Q'	=>	'Quebec',
 	'r'	=>	'romeo',
 	'R'	=>	'Romeo',
 	's'	=>	'sierra',
 	'S'	=>	'Sierra',
 	't'	=>	'tango',
 	'T'	=>	'Tango',
 	'u'	=>	'uniform',
 	'U'	=>	'Uniform',
 	'v'	=>	'victor',
 	'V'	=>	'Victor',
 	'w'	=>	'whiskey',
 	'W'	=>	'Whiskey',
 	'x'	=>	'xray',
 	'X'	=>	'Xray',
 	'y'	=>	'yankee',
 	'Y'	=>	'Yankee',
 	'z'	=>	'zulu',
 	'Z'	=>	'Zulu',
 	'9'	=>	'9er',

while (<>) {

 	for ($i=0; $i< length($line); $i++) {


 		if (exists($signs{$l})) {
 			print " ", $signs{$l}, " ";
 		} else {
 			print "$l";
 	print "\n";


As an example of use, I would do something like:

 	gpg --fingerprint mooney

and then cut and paste (or sed out) the fingerprint and echo it into
the program, like

 	echo "4A21 BFC1 E902 4518 968A  55A9 015F 6BA4 4757 6386" | callsign

which results in

4 Alpha 21  Bravo  Foxtrot  Charlie 1  Echo  9er 02 4518  9er 68 Alpha 55 Alpha  9er  015 Foxtrot  6 Bravo  Alpha 4 4757 6386

It would be simple to extend so that it always (or optionally) "spelled out"
the numbers (one, two, etc.) and other characters (dash, space, etc.).

Tim Mooney                              mooney at dogbert.cc.ndsu.NoDak.edu
Information Technology Services         (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building              (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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