gpgme hangs in a multithreaded app

Marcus Brinkmann Marcus.Brinkmann at
Fri Mar 28 00:13:02 CET 2003

On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 07:52:13PM +0100, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
> Hi Marcus!
> Well, beleive it or, but changing the linking order removes the hang (I 
> prefer *not* to say that it's resolved...), and the rest of gpg enabled 
> balsa (including the more complicated stuff like signing, encrypting, ...) 
> works peferctly, too. The "successful" command was
> gcc -o balsa [objects + local libs] -lpthread -lc -L/usr/local/lib -lgpgme 
> [rest of the libs...]

But what was the unsuccessful one?  -pthread must come before -lgpgme for
gpgme to automatically detect its presence (it's a somewhat dirty, but
clever hack to avoid several versions of gpgme).  This is unfortunately not
documented ;)

> P.S.: Viele Grüße nach Bochum; ich hab' da E-Technik studiert...

Die Welt ist so klein :)  Ich muss sagen, die Praktikabetreuer bei den
E-Technikern sind ganz schoen pingelig... 


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' GNU    marcus at
Marcus Brinkmann              The Hurd
Marcus.Brinkmann at

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