"expert" mode and read-only features

Maxim Britov udjinrg at forenet.by
Tue Dec 9 11:44:28 CET 2003

> > > I think You should make read-only features as full enabled when I use "--expert".
> > 
> > The idea of the read-only features is to have most actual used
> > releases enabled to allow reading these option when eventually a new
> > release can create such options.
> I'm rather surprised at how well this has worked out.  When 1.2.2
> added read-only SHA-256, I halfway expected a lot of people to
> immediately patch around it.  For whatever reason it hasn't happened
> (people don't actually care about SHA-256, don't understand the code,
> do understand the code but want to be conservative about hashes, etc)
> I'm pleased.

I want to use bzip2 for archives.
Expert feature enable many fetures which may make incompatibility sign, key etc.
--expert for people who know.
I think most people won't use it.

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