Trust signatures

David Shaw dshaw at
Wed Oct 30 04:28:01 CET 2002

Hi everyone,

I just committed trust signature support to the devel branch.  This is
the Maurer trust model stuff where a user can specify the trust level
along with the signature with multiple levels so users can delegate
certification ability to other users, possibly restricted by a regular
expression on the user ID.

The current code should properly handle trust signatures generated
elsewhere (i.e. PGP).  Once this is tested a bit, I'll add support for
generating new trust signatures from within GnuPG.

Trust signatures requires a regular expression parsing library.  I
have included the regexp code from glibc for those platforms that
don't have the regexp functions available.  If there is going to be a
build problem with this new feature, it'll likely be due to this.  I'd
appreciate it if the folks who play with the CVS version could try and
build this to check what happens on your particular platform.

In a worst case scenario, you can use ./configure --disable-regexp.
This will cause all trust signatures with regexps to be ignored.


   David Shaw  |  dshaw at  |  WWW
   "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
      We don't believe this to be a coincidence." - Jeremy S. Anderson

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