Operation on read-only filesystem

Chris Wilson chris at netservers.co.uk
Fri May 17 11:33:04 CEST 2002

Dear GnuPG developers,

I have been trying to get GnuPG working on a read-only filesystem, and I 
think I have hit the same problem as Patrick Higgins 
(http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2000-July/005221.html), that 
the trust database is opened read-write. His suggestion of a --read-only 
option seems like a good one. If I wrote a patch to add this option, would 
anyone care to integrate it with GnuPG?

I have also been maintaining my batch-sign patch, and just updated it to 
GPG 1.0.7. This fixes what I believe to be a bug in GnuPG, that for no 
apparent reason, signing keys is disabled in batch-mode. The patch is very 
simple, and I hope you will consider applying it.

Cheers, Chris.
   ___ __     _
 / __// / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson -- UNIX Firewall Lead Developer |
/ (_ / ,\/ _/ /_ \ | NetServers.co.uk http://www.netservers.co.uk |
\ _//_/_/_//_/___/ | 21 Signet Court, Cambridge, UK. 01223 576516 |
-------------- next part --------------
diff -ru2 gnupg-1.0.7/g10/keyedit.c gnupg-1.0.7-chris/g10/keyedit.c
--- gnupg-1.0.7/g10/keyedit.c	Mon Apr 29 15:34:21 2002
+++ gnupg-1.0.7-chris/g10/keyedit.c	Wed May 15 11:52:33 2002
@@ -871,4 +871,12 @@
     int have_commands = !!commands;
+    if( sign_mode ) {
+        commands = NULL;
+        append_to_strlist( &commands, sign_mode == 1? "sign":
+                           sign_mode == 2?"lsign":
+                           sign_mode == 3?"nrsign":"nrlsign");
+        have_commands = 1;
+    }
     if ( opt.command_fd != -1 )
@@ -876,12 +884,4 @@
 	log_error(_("can't do that in batchmode\n"));
 	goto leave;
-    }
-    if( sign_mode ) {
-	commands = NULL;
-	append_to_strlist( &commands, sign_mode == 1? "sign":
-			   sign_mode == 2?"lsign":
-			   sign_mode == 3?"nrsign":"nrlsign");
-	have_commands = 1;

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