a question on lsigs

Janusz A. Urbanowicz alex at bofh.torun.pl
Fri Nov 16 20:43:01 CET 2001

Why isn't it possible to sign (with a 'public' signature) a key that has
been lsigned? I localsigned key of a man I have enough trust to trust the
key myself, and later we verified the fingerprints so I decided its time to
make a 'public' signature. So I did --edit-key, sign, and GPG says that
there is nothing to sign because the key is already signed. This is a
misfeature to say the least. Also, the local signatures should be
distinguished somehow on signature display.

Janusz A. Urbanowicz | ALEX3-RIPE | SF-Framling | Thawte Web Of Trust Notary

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