Potential Bug found

Christopher Wiegand cwiegand at urgentmail.com
Mon Mar 22 22:20:12 CET 1999

When I run gnupg 0.94 with the following command, it gives me the following

gpg --list-sigs --with-colons --no-greeting
--secret-keyring=~/.gnupg/secring.gpg --keyring=~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg

It gives me:

pub:u:1024:17:525FBB10B39C8314:1999-03-22:2000-03-21:59:-:Chris Wiegand (GnuPG) <cwiegand at urgentmail.com>:
sig::::525FBB10B39C8314:1999-03-22::::Chris Wiegand (GnuPG) <cwiegand at urgentmail.com>:13:
sig::::525FBB10B39C8314:1999-03-22::::Chris Wiegand (GnuPG) <cwiegand at urgentmail.com>:18:
pub:q:1024:17:F7F322AF30706F8E:1998-11-26:1999-05-25:64:-:Nick Martin <nim at nimlabs.org>:
sig::::F7F322AF30706F8E:1998-11-26::::Nick Martin <nim at nimlabs.org>:13:
uid:::::::::Nick Martin <nim at neglekt.lick.pvt.k12.ca.us>:
sig::::F7F322AF30706F8E:1998-11-26::::Nick Martin <nim at nimlabs.org>:13:
sig::::F7F322AF30706F8E:1998-11-26::::Nick Martin <nim at nimlabs.org>:18:
pub:u:1024:17:525FBB10B39C8314:1999-03-22:2000-03-21:59:-:Chris Wiegand (GnuPG) <cwiegand at urgentmail.com>:
sig::::525FBB10B39C8314:1999-03-22::::Chris Wiegand (GnuPG) <cwiegand at urgentmail.com>:13:
sig::::525FBB10B39C8314:1999-03-22::::Chris Wiegand (GnuPG) <cwiegand at urgentmail.com>:18:
pub:q:1024:17:F7F322AF30706F8E:1998-11-26:1999-05-25:64:-:Nick Martin <nim at nimlabs.org>:
sig::::F7F322AF30706F8E:1998-11-26::::Nick Martin <nim at nimlabs.org>:13:
uid:::::::::Nick Martin <nim at neglekt.lick.pvt.k12.ca.us>:
sig::::F7F322AF30706F8E:1998-11-26::::Nick Martin <nim at nimlabs.org>:13:
sig::::F7F322AF30706F8E:1998-11-26::::Nick Martin <nim at nimlabs.org>:18:

I found this because my program, kPGPShell, wants to list signatures, and I
kept getting duplicates. It only takes effect if you include the
--secret-keyring and --keyring options. If you leave them out, which my
program doesn't do, but I usually do, it doesn't do that. Werner? I can change
my program to not include both of them, but it's cleaner for my program to
include both of them. Can you get back to me/the list on this?

BTW, in case anyone has my old key, **it could be comprimised**. I've got a
new key, and I'm waiting until I'm sure it's going to work and I have it on
all my machines before I start to use it.

Chris Wiegand

'If Bill Gates had a dime for every time Windows crashed...
 ... Oh wait a minute, he already does...' - Anonymous

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