Libgcrypt: How to implement ECIES encryption (ECC + AES)

Stephan Mueller smueller at
Mon Nov 12 14:02:30 CET 2018

Am Montag, 12. November 2018, 13:56:11 CET schrieb Yann Garcia:

Hi Yann,

> Hello Stephen,
> Thanks a lot for your response.
> Does it mean that  RFC 2898.  is not supported?

Sure, PKCS5 (aka PBKDF2) is supported by libgcrypt. But it is *password*-based 
key derivation. ECIES however implies that you need to generate a key from the 
ECDH shared secreted. I.e. you need a *key*-based key derivation function 
(SP800-108, RFC5869 etc.).


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