[admin] Mail problems yesterday

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Fri Mar 25 12:24:48 CET 2016


There was a small problem with the mailing list server yesterday [1].
In case your MTA is sending or receiving via an IPv6 address you may
have missed some mails or posted mails may have get lost.  If they don't
show up today, please resent your mail or check the mail archives.

Sorry for that.



[1] I added a v6 address for gnutls.org to the server but forgot to
    explicitly set the v6 address to be used by Exim.  Thus mails were
    wrongly sent from the gnutls.org v6 address which does not match

Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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